About The Film Festival
Prakriti is a prestigious Documentary Film Festival being organized by the Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC), New Delhi, since 1997. It was a non-competitive event organized every year at a different location for film-makers. The festival has travelled to many places like Hyderabad, Pune, Bhopal, Goa, Pondicherry, Jodhpur, Tripura, Mysore, Calicut, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Chennai&Madurai in the past. Last time it was organized at Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai in March, 2023.
This year, EMRC Gujarat University, Ahmedabad is hosting the prestigious 15th Prakriti International Documentary Film Festival 2023, on 28-29-30 October 2023.During the festival, documentaries, selected by a panel of Jury, are screened and directors/ producers/representatives of selected documentaries are invited to interact with the audience on the issues raised in their documentary(ies). The festival is an attempt to spread awareness about issues like Environment, Development, Human Rights &Swachh Bharat (Clean India Campaign) to sensitize the masses.
The Prakriti Film Festival has expanded its wings to provide a larger canvas to paint the footprints on the educational aspects of equity, ethics and ecology. In the year 2018, the Prakriti Festival was made Competitive and its jurisdiction was expanded beyond India to South East Asia Region for wider publicity and spreading awareness on the issues.
Educational Multimedia Research Centre, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Saturday to Monday
28-29-30 October 2023
What will you experience at PIDFF 2023?
- Screening of carefully curated Documentaries from South East Asian Region.
- Workshop on "Documentary Filmmaking in the Digital Age: Crafting Compelling Stories."
- Opportunities to connect with Documentary film makers of various background and region.
- An opportunity for an Exclusive Q & A sessions with filmmakers from the festival.
- A certificate of participation from CEC-EMRC Gujarat University.
Workshop on "Documentary Filmmaking in the Digital Age: Crafting Compelling Stories"
Film Festival Schedule
Film Festival Venue
Film Festival venue location info and gallery
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Auditorium Gujarat University
Gujarat University is top ranked university of Gujarat State by GSIRF, Government of Gujarat and Ranked among 100 in NIRF ranking since last three years. Gujarat University has developed phenomenally in the last 73 years to be recognized as a premier University in the country today. It provides education in one of the widest range of disciplines to about two lakhs students.
Check our gallery from the recent film festival